Following the ongoing success of the EPMA Keynote Paper Award, sponsored by the journal Powder Metallurgy, KNP Awards will continue for Euro PM2021 Congress & Exhibition.

When the Technical Programme Committee meet in February, they will carefully shortlist a pre-selection of submitted abstracts, then in May the KNP Awards Committee will meet and choose the KNP winners based on the manuscript.

The Keynote papers will receive an extended 25-minute slot for their presentation at the beginning of the relevant session and will go on to be published in the industry journal Powder Metallurgy, who are also sponsoring €250 for each of the successful Keynotes papers selected.


For a paper to be considered for Keynote status it should report original research or review a topic of interest to the PM community. It must not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

More information about the EPMA Keynote Paper Award and past winners can be found at


EPMA Keynote Paper Awards winners for Euro PM2019
Left to right: Dr Anke Kaletsch (Euro PM2019 TPC Co-Chair), Prof Thierry Barrière (Institut Femto-St/Applied Mechanic Lab, France), Dr Mark Taylor (The Manufacturing Technology Centre, United Kingdom), Dr José Garcia (Sandvik Coromant AB, Sweden), Dr Ing Alessandro Fais (Epos Srl, Italy), Mr Louis-Philippe Lefebvre (National Research Council Canada, Canada) and Mr Ralf Carlström (EPMA President).


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